I.O.H.I. Publications

I.O.H.I. Publications


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For a $100+ donation, receive a copy of the 2-cassette + book package (a $23 value): ITALIAN TRADITIONAL SONG: (A MUSIC AND TEXT ANTHOLOGY), 2nd edition, edited by Luisa Del Giudice, Los Angeles: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 1995–with texts in original dialect, and English translation. The few remaining copies of this 2nd (limited) edition, produced by the Italian Cultural Institute, are now a collector’s item! First-come, first-served (while they last).

Hear what others have said about this anthology:


I cried the first half hour, laughed through the next hour or so, and cried again during the final half hour. I think that the songs are really great. I loved them all, and I am looking forward to hearing them again and again, and sharing them with our friends ... If I get to Abruzzi and Molise this summer ... I shall go with a tape recorder and make of pest of myself with every relative in regard to the old songs...
                        Richard Juliani, past-president, American Italian Historical Association.

[a] very fine addition to our heritage!  [The] work is fascinating ...
                        Emma Scogna Rocco, author, Italian Wind Bands: A Surviving Tradition in the Milltowns of Pennsylvania


One of the best collections of traditional foreign folk music to come this way in some time ... Some of the melodies are quite entrancing.
                        Norm Cohen, past-record review editor, Journal of American Folklore

The work is ... a substantial contribution to the field, because it actually provides the sound "texts" for a subject matter more often discussed theoretically...eloquent exemplars of various kinds of folksong expression. ... it is a gem ...  accompanied by these excellent recordings, the work is extremely enlightening and useful.
                        Barre Toelken, author, The Dynamics of Folklore

The tape ... is spectacular. I shared it ... with several colleagues at the Stanford Humanities Center.
                        William Ferris, former director of the NEH

It's a spendidly handsome production:  I learned from it and enjoyed it greatly.  I have now an overview I never had before of Italian folksong and folksong scholarship, and I have the actual songs ... If only we had comparable booklets for all the major European folksong traditions. 
                        David Buchan, Scottish ballad scholar, author, The Ballad and the Folk

È di estremo interesse e di ottima fattura.  Esso ha già trovato posto nel nostro Archivio nastrografico e bibliografico.
                        Gaetano Pennino, ethnomusicologist, Folkstudio, Palermo

Ho potuto apprezzare il valore documentario e l'accuratezza della confezione.
                        Roberta Tucci, ethnomusicologist, Rome

Costituisce indubbiamente un utile strumento per la divulgazione della cultura italiana di tradizione orale negli Stati Uniti.
                        Tullia Magrini, ethnomusicologist, Univ. of Bologna


The tapes ... are charming, beautifully done, and rather moving.
                        Lauro Martines, historian of the Italian Renaissance

Il regalo più bello di questo Natale  ...  la bellissima raccolta di musiche popolari italiane!  Devo complimentarmi per la scelta, che è stata operata con molta sensibilità--di motivi che altrimenti sarebbero stati cancellati dalla memoria collettiva.  ... ho ritrovato qualche motivo dell'infanzia ... che è tornato alla luce, dopo così tanti anni. 
                        Paolo Piazzardi, Italian Embassy, Bangkok

Le scritture e le musiche mi hanno regalato ore di estatica eccitazione.
                        Francesco Guardiani, Italian professor, Univ. of Toronto

It is just the type of publication that we seek as there are too few scholarly editions of this nature, especially presented in such a useful and attractive way.
                        James Creighton, archivist, Music Library, Univ. of Toronto

Elles sont vraiment superbes ces cassettes.  J'aime les écouter dans mon auto lorsque je me rends au travail.  Quel plaisir de reconnaître Maria Carta et Caterina Bueno:  deux parmi les plus belles voix que je connais!      
                        Maurice Pouliot, teacher, Québec





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